
Hellenic Mediterranean University participates with a significant presence in the Innovation Days “INNODAYS2022” organized by the Region of Crete under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Development & Investments and the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation, 25-27 November 2022 at the International Exhibition Center of Crete.

The following labaratories will participate in the HMU booth (A07):

1. Institute of Emerging Technologies
Manager: Rogdakis Konstantinos, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Research Associate
2. Institute of Plasma and Laser Physics
Director: Michael Tatarakis, Department of Electronic Engineering, Professor
3. Laboratory of Natural Resources Management and Agricultural Engineering
Director: Manios Thrasyvoulos, Department of Agriculture, Professor
4.Athena European University
Scientific Coordinator: Petridis Konstantinos, Department of Electronic Engineering,
Associate Professor
5. Laboratory for the Study of Health and Road Safety Behaviors (LaHeRS)
Director: Papadakaki Maria, Department of Social Work, Assistant Professor
6. Interdepartmental Laboratory of Control Systems and Robotics (ESR)
Director: Sfakiotakis Michael, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Associate Professor
7. Laboratory of Data Science, Multimedia and Modeling (DataLab)
Director: Panagiotakis Konstantinos, Department of Management Science and Technology, Associate Professor
8. Laboratory of Biological & Biotechnological Applications
Manager: Ververidis Filippos, Department of Agriculture, Professor
Director: Philippos Ververidis, Department of Agriculture, Professor
10. Laboratory of Design, Machining and Automation
Director: Maravelakis Emmanouil, Department of Electronic Engineering,
Associate Professor

Also, the main program of the event will include:

– Rector of Hellenic Mediterranean University, Professor Nikos Katsarakis (Greetings, Friday 25/11/2022, 19:20)
– Professor Dimitris Katsaprakakis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, speech on: “The energy transition as a driver of development of local societies and the importance of broad-based energy communities” (Saturday 26/11/2022, 18:10).
  Discussion Panel: “The Digital and Technological Transformation of Businesses. Planning Strategies for the New Era”
– Professor Thrasyvoulos Manios, Department of Agriculture, Panel Discussion Moderator: “Circular Economy: Opportunity or Necessity?” (Saturday 26/11/2022, 19:20-20:40)
– Assistant Professor Markos Kourgiantakis, Department of Business and Tourism Management, “Artemis Saitakis” Innovation Marathon (Hackathon) – Awards Ceremony”, (Sunday 27/11/2022, 16:00)

Also, the academic, computer scientist, awarded with the 2007 TURING AWARD, Emeritus Professor Iosif Sifakis, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Greetings, Friday 25/11/2022, 19:50)

More about the INNODAYS2022 event at the link: innodays2022_agenda

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